Thursday, 27 September 2018

Two Four-Letter Words That Make a Huge difference!

'Just’ and ‘Only’

As some of you know – we’ve been putting up challenges on the Fuelled By Fun facebook group to collectively cycle, run or walk around islands and across the sea.

Adding up everyone’s mileage each week as a ‘team’ we have travelled – virtually – around mainland UK and Ireland and have crossed the Atlantic from Newquay to New York. Encouraging a real mix of people from hard core ironmen to first timers on bikes or newbie runners.

But one thing stood out, that I really feel I wanted to write (and have a little rant) about - people’s use of the words ‘just’ or ‘only’. Making their achievements seem unimportant, irrelevant or not much effort!

Getting out of the front door in the first place is a massive achievement for quite a lot of people. Some of the phrases I've seen when collecting miles of everyone... “Only 5 miles…”, “Just 8 miles…”. Twelve months ago I’d have laughed at you if you told me I’d be able to run or walk 5 miles and as for cycling – well, I used to think cycling was the work of the devil!!

I’m just asking that we all try and change our language – less of the four-letter words (I mean ‘just’ and ‘only’!)

Celebrate  your achievements – whether that’s 1 mile or 100 miles – celebrate the fact you did it, your body was strong enough to do that, you were mentally prepared to get out of the door and go for it.

And make sure you have fun :)

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