Mental health comes in all shapes and sizes, ways and means,
and finding that THING that keeps you happy, that keeps you sane, and most of
all keeps you going, no matter what life throws at you – that’s the THING I
want you to find.
It has taken me a while (about 40 years) to find it, and I
want to help others find that THING too.
After a tough day/week my THING used to be to reach for a
bottle of wine, I thought that helped. But actually it did the opposite. I’d
feel like crap the next day, I put weight on (a lot of weight on), which then
made me feel like crap, so because I felt like crap I’d drink more wine to
‘cheer myself up’!
This cycle went on for years – and without boring you with
too much detail – a good friend suggested I get some help! I had reached the
end of my tether; I was bored of listening to myself moaning about life so I
swallowed my “pride” (i.e that stiff upper lip that everyone’s supposed to have)
and reached out for some help.
To cut an even longer story short, this lead me to set up a small running group, I realised my THING was running in the forest – being close to nature, but it wasn’t something I liked doing on my own, so the group was created for like-minded people. People who want a bit of a social, as well as a bit of running in mud, up hills and around the forest. But the most important thing is that it’s fun!
It turns out quite a few also like open water swimming,
cycling, and all sorts of other activities – it’s great to get a group together
like that, as there’s always someone that can join you for a run/swim/walk/hike.
It’s not about having the willpower to do something, its have
having the desire to do it because you know it makes you feel great! That’s
what makes it Fuelled by Fun!
Nik G.
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